Saturday, August 17, 2013

Katelin Kuyoth's Scavenger Hunt #2

Although I did not take this picture I found it to be very interesting. This is known as a frost flower which forms in the Autumn but conditions have to be perfect. This flower is an example of a  physical change going from a liquid to a solid. In order for this flower to form the temperature has to just reach freezing or just under. However the ground has to still be warm. The stems of plants continuously draw up water and in the freezing the stems split and the liquid water is able to leak out. As the water seeps out of the cracks from the stem it freezes forming the petals of a beautiful flower. 

Here is a picture of my old rabbit Luna taken last year (as you can see she has a little dirt on her nose from digging). An interesting fact about rabbits is that they can't produce  amino acids. These are needed in every living organism in order to acquire the necessary proteins, as they are essential for the structure of the cell and preform many functions. Along with the structure of a cell, proteins regulate chemical reactions within the cell. They also act as defensive proteins and storage proteins. Without these proteins the organism will be impacted and not be able to function accordingly. In order to get the necessary proteins a rabbit needs to acquire them through their diet.
Here is a picture of a white birch tree. All plants including trees have  nonliving portion known as a xylem. The xylem helps transport xylem sap all the way from the plants roots to their leaves. This sap carries any nutrients and minerals the tree or any plant may need. The xylem sap is not carried through out the plant by gravity but by transpiration. Transpiration is when water is lost from the leaves their is a pulling force that brings the xylem sap from the roots through the shoot and to the leaves.  
 The beach sand pictured here resembles a heterogeneous mixture. Unlike a homogeneous mixture you can see all of the substances that create this mixture. If you look closely you can see all of the pebbles and rocks that combine to form what we all know and love, sand.
Pictured here is the shell from a cicada. When the cicada completes each phase of their life cycle they go through a molt and undertake what is known as metamorphosis. Metamorphosis when an insect completes each stage of their life starting from an egg, larva, pupa, nymph and finally the adult stage. Between each stage the insect (in this case the cicada) molts their outer shell as they grow and gradually reach adult hood.
Here is the Cicada in the adult stage

Here is a picture of a grasshopper. Grasshoppers are herbivores and are primary consumers. Herbivore meaning they eat the producers and primary consumer meaning they are on the second level of the food web. Their main diet consists of grass and leaves. Because they only eat the plants they are primary consumers where as the secondary consumers will not only feast on the plants but other organisms as well.

 This seaweed I found in the ocean is a producer. Producers are at the bottom of the food chain, they use the suns energy to crate their own food, sugar.Plants are the only organisms that can produce their own food because of a special organelle in their cells known as the chloroplast.Animal cells do not contain a chloroplast therefore relieing on plants and other organisms for their meal. For the process of photosynthesis to acquire a plant uses the chlorophyll produced in the chloroplast. Along with the chlorophyll plants use the suns energy, carbon dioxide and water in order to create the sugar.

Here is a picture of a dragonfly I found by a pond.These insects are classified as odonatas along with the damselflies.These insects have transparent wings as well as compound eyes. They have small bodies and even though they have six legs they cannot walk. Because of the dragonflies compound eyes they have great vision. There eyes are constructed with many optical lenses known as
ommatidia. These lenses are light sensitive allowing the dragonflies to see colors that humans could not see including ultraviolet lights.

1 comment:

Ms. Steele said...

Katelin, nice variety of items. The frost flower is really cool. I also like that you included the cicadas, this being a big year for many of those organisms.